Stone Library
marmor, oil color, ink, silkscreen print, scratched and scraped 17,5 x 17,5 x 1,5 cm every day since january 2022 one new uniqe pice
Ongoing project since 2022

Katrin Süss, a custodian of the spiraling circular format who understands her artistic formal language more as a dynamic process of moving inward or outward, allows a partial aspect of world political current events to congeal into a kind of stone archive in her documentary art project “Spring 2022”.
For this purpose, she uses a specially developed program that invariably collects the first headlines of three globally published daily newspapers, namely The New York Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), and Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP).
The headlines are artistically applied typographically to circular white marble discs, and can be displayed completely chronologically, in free patterns, or in language groups. In any case, beyond it‘s purely documentary-like “fossilized” aspect, the project is also likely to stimulate further associations or insights upon attentive observation.
“I would like to see in all explosive places of this world after the end of the year 2022 a huge room installation of three times 363 stone discs, on which – also due to the ‘measure’ of the heat lines – the languages between strategy, diplomacy and ideology wind to 1086 spirals. A place of examination, research, documentation – an archive of the world caught up in process.” — Dr. Klaus Nicolai
Other Projects
2023: Object
2023: Object
Seven Colors
Ongoing since 2022
Stone Library
Ongoing since 2022
Typo figures
Ongoing since 2021
2021: Performance
Villa Wigman Performance
with Katja Erfurt & Bernd Sikora
2021: Performance
Steal performance
2021: Performance
with Bertram Quosdorf
Ongoing since 2020
PBWY Circles
2018: Object
Werkstatt 26
2017: Object
Foreign in Dresden
2015: Object
Transformed Circles
Ongoing since 2014
Dry Point
2010: Object
Ongoing since 1995